Articles accepted and in press
Calear, A. L., Batterham, P. J., Sunderland, M. Carragher, N. Development and validation of static and adaptive screeners to assess suicidal thoughts and behavior. Suicide and life-threatening behavior, in press.
Visontay, R., Sunderland, M., Grisham, J., Slade, T. Content overlap between youth OCD scales: Heterogeneity among symptoms probed and implications. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Conditions, in press.
Sunderland, M., Batterham, P. J., Calear, A., Carragher, N. Validity of the PROMIS depression and anxiety common metrics in an online sample of Australian adults. Quality of Life Research, in press.
Sunderland, M., Batterham, P. J., Carragher, N., Calear, A., Slade, T. Developing and validating a computerized adaptive test to measure broad and specific factors of internalizing in a community sample. Assessment, in press.
Batterham., P. J., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Calear, A. L. Psychometric properties of 7- and 30-day versions of the PROMIS emotional distress item banks in an Australian adult sample. Assessment, in press.
Batterham, P. J., Sunderland, M., Slade, T., Calear, A., Carragher, N. (2018). Assessing distress in the community: Psychometric properties and crosswalk comparison of eight measures of psychological distress. Psychological Medicine, 48(8), 1316-1324.
Batterham, P. J., Calear, A., Carragher, N., Sunderland, M. (2018). Prevalence and predictors of distress associated with completion of an online survey assessing mental health and suicidality in the community. Psychiatry Research, 262, 348-350.
Sunderland, M., Batterham, P. J., Calear, A., Carragher, N., Baillie, A., Slade, T. (2018). High agreement was obtained across scores from multiple social anxiety disorder scales using item response theory. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 99, 132-143.
Sunderland, M., Batterham, P. J., Calear, A. L., Carragher, N. (2017). The development and validation of static and adaptive screeners for panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 26(4), e1561.
Sunderland, M., Slade, T., Krueger, R. F., Markon, K. E., Patrick, C. J., Kramer, M. D. (2017). Efficiently measuring the higher-order dimensions of the Externalizing Spectrum model: development of the Externalizing Spectrum Inventory-Computerized Adaptive Test (ESI-CAT). Psychological Assessment, 29(7), 866-880.
Batterham, P., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Calear, A. (2016). Development and community-based validation of eight item banks to assess mental health. Psychiatry Research, 243, 453-462.
Mahoney, A. E. J., Hobbs, M. J., Newby, J. M., Williams, A. D., Sunderland, M., Andrews, G. (2016). The Worry Behaviors Inventory: assessing the behavioral avoidance associated with generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 203, 256-264.
Batterham, P. J., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Calear, A. L., MacKinnon, A. J., Slade, T. (2016). The Distress Questionnaire-5: population screener for psychological distress was more accurate than the K6/K10. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 71, 35-42.
Batterham, P. J., Calear, A., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Brewer, J. L. (2016). Online screening and feedback to increase help seeking for mental health problems: population-based randomized controlled trial. BJP Open, 2(1), 67-73.
Carragher, N., Sunderland, M., Batterham, P J., Calear, A. L., Elhai, J., Chapman, C., Mills, K. (2016). Factor structure and gender differences in DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: results from a nationally representative sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, 56-67.
Batterham, P. J., Brewer, J., Tjhin, A., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Calear, A. L. (2015). Systematic item selection process applied to developing item pools for assessing multiple mental health problems. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(8), 913-919.
Batterham, P. J., Calear, A. L., Sunderland, M., Carragher, N., Christensen, H., Mackinnon, A. J. (2013). Hierarchical screening for multiple mental disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(1), 229-236.
Anderson, T. A., Sunderland, M., Andrews, G., Titov, N., Dear, B. F., Sachdev, P. S. (2013). The ten item Kessler Psychological Distress measure as a screening instrument in older individuals. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(7), 596-606.
Sunderland, M., Slade, T., Andrews, G. (2012). Developing a short form structured diagnostic interview for common mental disorders using signal detection theory. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 21, 247-257.
Sunderland, M., Mahoney, A., Andrews, G. (2012). Investigating the factor structure of the Kessler Psychological distress scale in community and clinical samples of the Australian population. Journal of Behavior and Psychopathological Assessment, 34(2), 253-259.
Peters, L., Sunderland, M., Andrews, G., Rapee, R., Mattick, R. (2012). Development of a short form Social Interaction Anxiety (SIAS) and Social Phobia Scale (SPS) using nonparametric Item Response Theory: the SIAS-6 and the SPS-6. Psychological Assessment, 24 (1), 66-76.
Sunderland, M., Hobbs, M. J., Anderson, T., Andrews, G. (2012). Psychological distress across the lifespan: examining age-related item bias in the Kessler-6 Psychological distress scale. International Psychogeriatrics, 24 (2), 231-242.
Laurens, K. R., Hobbs, M. J., Sunderland, M., Green, M. J., Mould, G. L. (2012). Psychotic-like experiences in a community sample of 8,000 children aged 9 to 11 years: an item response theory analysis. Psychological Medicine, 42 (7), 1495-1506.
Titov, N., Dear, B. F., McMillan, D., Anderson, T., Zou, J., Sunderland, M. (2011). Psychometric comparison of the PHQ-9 and BDI-II for measuring response during treatment of Depression. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 40 (2), 126-136.
Dear, B. F., Titov, N., Sunderland, M., McMillan, D., Anderson, T., Lorian, C., Robinson, E. (2011). Psychometric comparison of the GAD-7 and PSWQ for measuring response during treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 40 (3), 216-227.
Andrews, G., Kemp, A., Sunderland, M., Von Korff, M., Ustun, B. (2009). Normative data for the 12 item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0. PloS-ONE, 4 (12), e8343.